Wednesday 18 June 2008

Now, someone is just BEGGING for a slap...

And the Political Correctness brigade strikes again. Before I go off on one about how much PC irritates me soooo much(!), I'll tell you why I started this blog.
Long story short; I was on the Daily Mail website, and a story caught my eye. Apparently, a woman who runs her own alternative hair salon has lost a court case against a Muslim woman who sued her for £4,000 (not the original amount, however) because she felt she was being discriminated against because she covered her hair. Let me break this down; She wants to be a hair stylist, yet refused to un-cover her own hair. I know. Apparently, she's been turned down by jobs as a hair stylist before because of this, and the lady who ran this salon said it would have been the same for someone who refused to take a cap off. She wasn't being racist, she was being practical. If you want to know the bulk of the story, here's the link
This story got me thinking about how stupid political correctness really is. We are so afraid of hurting other people because of discrimination, that we come across as idiots who don't judge a situation fairly. I have a book about political correctness, and I'm just gonna briefly summarise some of the stories. I honestly can't believe that some of these are true...

  1. People have tried banning the nursery rhyme 'Baa Baa Black sheep' because it's racist and "portrayed negative stereotypes." I can't even comment on this one...
  2. One place in England has stopped serving hot cross buns in schools because the symbol of the cross "will spark complaints from Jewish, Hindu and Muslim pupils and their families." A spokesperson stated "We are moving away from a religious theme for Easter and will not be doing hot cross buns...We will probably be serving naan breads instead." Ok, first of all, Easter is a religious holiday! It's a Christian holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus! Also, how is serving naan bread better? I love naan bread, but it's not like it's a universal thing, is it? It's Middle Eastern and Indian, hardly multi-cultural.
  3. A book by a prize-winning author was not stocked in libraries in an area in London because it reinforced racist messages. "We were surprised you chose to use a circus with performing animals. In our experience this is now widely disliked by most carers, who recognises that it raises issues about animal rights...The storyline of a child being threatened by this creature [a gorilla, normally pictured-as in this book-in black fur] and saved by a little white horse seems to be very insensitive. The presentation of a black, apelike creature as evil and small white creature as good has obvious overtones which many carers find offensive, and which they would not wish to use with children and young people because they may reinforce racist messages." ...

I feel so disgusted with humanity that I feel like slapping myself right now...

Tuesday 10 June 2008

A Belleh-Dans-Ah!

Surprisingly, this blog is not going to be depressing, shock horror! :O

Nah, it's just a random piece of info I feel like sharing.

So, I was England over the weekend, and inbetween visiting my Naini in hospital and buying two dresses, four pairs of shoes and a bikini, I was talking to my Aunty Anna about when I was coming over for university (they live 10mins away from the campus). Somehow, we started talking about bellydancing, and my aunt was saying how much the girls at the youth club she and my uncle run would be so interested in something like that. So I said about how much I love it and how I love sharing it with other people; not just the actual physical movements, but the history, and the health and emotional benefits.

So, one thing lead to another and now I think I'm going to be teaching bellydancing to a group of girls when I go to uni :D I can't wait!

Tuesday 3 June 2008

I think I'm going to be sick...

I'm so stressed out with these exams. I just keep thinking about how fucking important they are and how screwed I am if I don't do well. I can't even revise properly. I try. But I just keep getting distracted and start thinking Oh god, I'm reeeeaaaally fucked this time.
I have 70 studies to learn for Psychology and right now, I could only probably tell you about one, and that's cos I did it in year 12 too.
People keep saying that it will be fine and not to get stressed out, but how can I not!? I can't concentrate on revising properly, and everytime my mind goes back to my work, I just keep thinking about how much I have to do!
I just feel like I'm going to be physically sick sometimes.