Doesn't everything seem better when it's sunny? For example, I did no uni work over the easter holidays. I have a report and an essay due on May 11th, as well as a load of revision cards to get through before my exams, but I'm not actually feeling that worried yet. I mean, obviously I know I should be (I'm not allowed to re-take anything ><) but it's just so hard to get worked up about stuff when the weather's this nice, you know? I'll probably try and do some later when it gets colder/darker, but I'm not making any promises! Right now, all I want to do is drink homemade lemonade and listen to Cat Power. Also, most likely due to the gorgeous weather, I have decided 2 things;
1) I'm dying my hair red again (hopefully on Friday)
2)I'm finally going to learn how to play the violin. I've found lessons and I'm checking prices of violins on Friday!
So what's the weather like with everyone else?