While I was walking back from food shopping in Cottingham (a little village about 5 minutes walk from my halls of residence), it started snowing.
Is wasnt heavy snow. It wasn't even very thick. In fact, it was the kinda of snow you can only see when you're not looking at it. Out of the corner of your eye, you can just see a few tiny white flakes. Try and look again, and they'll be gone.
At the time, I was listening to some very soft Japanese music; a couple of women were singing with a shamisen or two. I looked across over the lawn, and saw the sun starting to set.
The sky above me was turning a deep blue, and the sky on the horizon was a bright blue, with almost invisible, stretched-out clouds dotted lazily across it. You could just about see the light orange/pink of the sun going down.
Once I was back in my room, and after I'd eaten something (about 15 minutes ago), I looked out of my window and saw it snowing again, this time much thicker and faster. I rushed to grab my university hoodie so I wouldn't freeze, picked up my camera, and unlocked the door leading to my little balconey. After taking some pictures, I spent a few minutes just trying to catch the little white flakes.
I wish that the pictures you're about to see could really capture what it looked and felt like, but I think you'll just have to imagine it.
You better write a real blog soon! and its something i've noticed quite often since starting uni, might just be the layout of the lawns and the surrounding land but at times theres some really beautiful sights.
yeh. especially from my balconey! cos of where my window it facing, i always see sunsets
wow it looks really good!!!! SOOOOO SOOOOOO JEALOUS! I want snow!!
hehe wasn't reeeaally heavy, but apparently it's gonna snow more this weekend ^_^ yay for living in the cold north!
There has to be some perks else we'd all bugger off down south :p
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