Something has been confirmed for me this week.
We were watching a video today of all of our class (well, almost all of us) playing pranks on teachers and
slide shows of photos.
I wasn't in any of the photos.
The video I did wasn't put on either.
They also spelt my name wrong during the 'credits'.I've been to this school since I was 5.I was also reading a blog today which didn't really help my feelings of being over looked, but I'm not going into that.
really didn't want to write another depressing blog my last week of school. I'm trying not to cry about all this. I just didn't expect that this is what my last week of school would feel like.
Sometimes, I just feel so isolated that I can't stand it. I'll be out with my friends and feel all alone. There's no one that I can think of that I can really relate to; that I can really trust; that really understands me, all of me.
Like I said at the start of this that something had been confirmed for me.
That thing is the realisation that I am, in a word;
I'm not obese, but I'm not slim.
I'm not ugly, but I'm not pretty.
I'm not really bad at any subject, but I'm not really good either.
I don't have any particular personality traits, good or bad, that I feel make me stand out.
I don't have any hobbies at which I'm really good at (Don't say
belly dancing because, again, I'm not bad, but neither am I really good).
This will probably all sound like self-pity. I don't want it to, that's not how I want it to come across. I just want people to realise that even small things can affect people, so that, with friends in the future, they'll be more careful.
I wanted this week to be sad, but in a happy way. I'd have photos with my friends, joke around, have fun. I wanted to be loud and laughing on Friday at school, then go out with my friends afterwards.
I just feel so overlooked and ignored, so lonely. I felt segregated enough as it is.
I want acknowledgement from other people so much that I almost constantly refresh my email page, in the hopes of a note from a friend. I even change my opinions on things because I think that people will talk to me more about something if they think I share the view (also to avoid conflict),
similar to why I use '
Lol' so much on
msn, even when I'm being serious about something.
I'm not sure if many (or any) of those who read this blog understand that the only reason I haven't tried killing myself yet is because, when I've held the scissors against my arm (and I have), I've lacked the courage of my convictions to press down just that little bit harder.
I'm not using colours in this blog post. The font and colour will be average.
Like me.