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Love me, That's all I ask of you
Sometimes, I wish I could read minds. I wish I could see how people are feeling, so that I could act accordingly. I don't want to do anything which I think may give people a negative feeling, especially about me. Some people, I just don't care. But others, especially my friends, I'm always worried about what I do incase I do something 'wrong'. I know that's backwards; I shouldn't worry how my friends react, because, in the end, they love me anyway...don't they? I was talking to Marina and Freddie in the Bean the other day, and (I don't remember how) but we were talking about hugs. I explained that I didn't like to be the one to initiate hugs or physical contact. This isn't 'cos I don't like it; quite the opposite, but I'm always worried about how whoever I'm hugging will r
eact. Are they in the mood for a hug? Do they really need one right now? What if they don't like it? What if they think I'n strange? Maybe, they don't want to be touched right now? I've tried hugging people before, and they've pulled away from me, or looked at me strangly. I've been called clingy before too. Sometimes, I just feel so happy or so upset or so relaxed that I just want to feel close to another human being. I wish I had the confidence to just go up to someone I want to hug, and go for it! But, I can't. Here's some facts I found about hugs:
- Every human being needs four hugs per day merely to survive.
- Eight hugs per day to maintain oneself at a strong emotional level.
- Twelve hugs per day to grow and become a better person.
Four hugs to survive? Am I dead? On a (reeeaaally random) side note, here's a personality test I came across :D Generally, it's all pretty true, though I don't know about the whole 'forceful' thing :S And am I well-respected?Your personality type:
Quietly forceful (erm I don't think so ^_^), original and sensitive. Tend to stick to things until they are done. Extremely intuitive about people and concerned for their feelings. Well-developed value systems which they strictly adhere to. Well-respected for their perserverence in doing the right thing. Likely to be individualistic, rather than leading or following.
Careers that could fit you includes:Counselors, clergy, missionaries, teachers, medical doctors, dentists, chiropractors, psychologists (woo!), psychiatrists, writers, musicians, artists, psychics, photographers, child care workers, education consultants, librarians (haha!), marketeers, scientists, social workers. (Pictures here ARE NOT MINE! They belong to various artists on deviantart)
Aww hun you know on the rare occasions we meet up you can give me a hug anytime, i'm always happy to recieve a hug.
Yes you are well respected, at least by me anyway, thats why i ask your opinion on things and you can be very forceful on subjects you care about and you never care about what i think of you!!
Love you
Baby, you gotta think as yourself as good as everybody else, if not a little better(we all have to have that personal privilege!). And what I mean by that is that I get the impression you know you’re loved, but don’t feel it. Don’t /believe/ it. I don’t get four hugs a day, I don’t think, but why that doesn’t bother me is because I acknowledge that love. When you say ‘they love me anyway...don’t they?’ YESSS! We so do. We think you’re great.
Don’t you doubt that. You know what, it’s worse that you don’t give me hugs because you don’t trust my reaction than giving me a hug at a bad time. And you know what that means? I love you so much that even if you’re covered in dog sick, I am in a bad mood, don’t want to be touched, and you decided you wanted to hug me, I wouldn’t be bothered. Ok, the dog sick would irk me a little but seriously now, this is the thing, I’m not just saying this- I actually mean it. Even if for some reason im in a mood when I don't wanna be touched, a hug from you wont bother me. Risking to sound like a badly dubbed Naruto; believe it! no honestly, do. Believe it. Really, really believe it. You rock and anybody would be lucky to get hugged by you. I would never find you hugging me clingy or annoying or anything. And that’s just the truth.
Do there.
*Cyberhug* bitch.
I wuv you Cecil! I wanna hug from you always! =D *mwah!* xxxxxxx <--(love)
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